I had a very good time at Lea school. So much that I may just drop by during a vacation. Everyone was friendly and helpful. we sure learned a lot about each other's culture and habits. Likes and dislikes ( no for mushy peas XD)
These are the best students that I spent time with. I will be missing them all dearly.
Oooh and guess what? I had my birthday 6 days earlier . XD thank you all !
Ooh and before We went, one of the girls at school had fun showing me around her farm. Which is where we headed after school. We don't have farms in Beirut. She is the first student I have ever seen who knows LOTS about farming and farms. Maybe when we have a lesson about Farms we can Skype Tamara's class and have her tell the students about it :)))
oowww early happy birthday then. Looks you had fun