Sunday, September 22, 2013

And it all ends with Robin Hood

Possibly this is going to be my last entry. You see, I'm at the airport right now waiting for my flight. 
I will be heading home soon with many memories, new ideas and experience to tell everyone about.

Yesterday we went to my favorite place as a child. Sherwood Forest. It brought me memories of stories read under the blanket in the middle of the night. Of vivid adventures and imagination gone wild.
Friar tuck and little John 
The major oak. Robin's tree.
And that is Robin Hood 
Thank you Darryl and Stewart for a lovely Day. 
AND FOR MY EARLY BIRTHDAY PRESENT :D (this is for you too Barbara. :) It was lovely staying with you) hope to see you all soon!

Friday, September 20, 2013

The ghost walk

I ended the day with the scariest lady ever.
She is the lady who does the ghost walk. If you ever come by Lincoln, you have to hear her out. The best scary ghost-story teller in town.

Anything strange?

Goodbye Lea Frances olive Anderson School!

I had a very good time at Lea school. So much that I may just drop by during a vacation. Everyone was friendly and helpful. we sure learned a lot about each other's culture and habits. Likes and dislikes ( no for mushy peas XD)
These are  the best students that I spent time with. I will be missing them all dearly. 

Oooh and guess what? I had my birthday 6 days earlier . XD thank you all !
Ooh and before We went, one of the girls at school had fun showing me around her farm. Which is where we headed after school. We don't have farms in Beirut. She is the first student I have ever seen who knows LOTS about farming and farms. Maybe when we have a lesson about Farms we can Skype Tamara's class and have her tell the students about it :)))

Clubs day

Friday is clubs day
At 1:30 the whole school is just divided in to clubs . Every class turns in to a whole different new class. 

Film club
Dancing club
Was it language or art? Probably both
Science club
Art and crafts
Sign language club
There is also a cooking club. ( yummy) 

Arabic at Lea school

Gave an Arabic lesson today :) with few introduction to Islam.
I noticed that most of the students still remember things they learned last year about Islam. And some were really keen on learning new Arabic words that they can use the next time they Skype with our students

Harvest festival at the school

Today was The harvest festival. Students form Lea school gathered food from their houses that they can give away  and put them in the church for people who are in need.

The French tree .
The story of the seeds

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Today we made the homous be tahini. During our work we had a fire drill :). The kids were very quiet and calm. Which shows how well trained they all are. We have to do fire drills training. Even if the fire station is next door. ;)

Back to the homous
NEARLY all liked it :))))